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 Standard III

Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital 
society. experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.
Modern Laptop
  • Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations

  • ​Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success

  • ​Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats

  • ​Model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning


Teachers should always possess themselves with professional skills and knowledge to teach with technology. Teachers should also be able to integrate their expertise into specific teaching situations. Communication plays a crucial role in teaching and learning. The communication represents the connection between teachers and students, teachers and parents, and also teachers and their colleagues. Teachers need to know how to use various kinds of communication tool to contact their students, parents, and colleagues, as well as devoted to their self-development. Research is vital for teachers’ self-development. The use of technology can also help teachers in their study by looking up online data, proceeding data analysis, and supporting their research work.



Teachers can use Schoology to create a study group for students, where they can share files in the Group Resources area. Discussions have also been an excellent way for teachers to moderate student interaction. Students can attach files and link to discussions, as well as comment in nested responses to each other. We have used Schoology to create our course in IT 650 class. The discussion board is much similar to the Canvas, except you can show your attitude towards a comment by clicking the " Like" button. 


ISD Storyboard:

Instructional Systems Design involves a systematic process for the assessment and development of teaching plans. The ISD helps teacher analyze the problems and requirements in current teaching situations to select the best theories and methods to help solve the problems in teaching.  The ISD storyboard I have written about the " Six language arts" has helped clarify the composition of the course and highlight the teaching essential and challenging points. is a website where both teachers and students can create their page about a certain topic and share information with each other. I have created a topic on the and published some links and videos on the dashboard. After I finish experiencing the functions in Scoop. It, I found it is a time-saver which means all the information on the is well organized and easy to be found by teachers and students.


Padlet is a useful platform for teachers to help them summarize a significant amount of information. As well as the, Padlet can be used to put in the text, photos, graphs and other learning tools on the page, which makes it more effective than traditional notecards. After experiencing the Padlet more, I have found that Padlet can be used as an excellent tool for group study for groups of students participating in collaborative research. I have posted a driving question on the top of the board, and the other group members can post their answers under the question.



Future Learning Goals:

I would like to use those tools to create a more relaxing learning environment, as students will be attracted by the power of technology and gradually emerge from the boredom of teaching settings.

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